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When (and Why) to Award Outplacement Benefits

Use Career Transition Support to Create Smooth Departures and Strengthen Your Employment Brand
Professional woman packing a box of office belongings after being let go from her job

Few of us enjoy making difficult choices about the workforce. However, when respect, compassion, and appropriate resources accompany those decisions, it creates stronger outcomes for all involved.

Immediate access to outplacement services is key for departing leaders. Companies that actively support VP to C-Suite executives during separation can significantly improve cooperation during the transition process and strengthen your employment brand.

Help Departing Leaders Move Forward with Optimism, Support

Unfortunately, high quality executive outplacement support is far from common. Many organizations mistakenly assume that senior executives with marketable skills will quickly land a new role. They believe a generous severance package is enough, and that only younger workers and middle managers need robust career transition support.

In reality, even the most dedicated senior executives can struggle with the basics of today’s job search landscape. For many, it’s been years (even decades) since they’ve tackled resume writing, online networking or simply crafting a focused narrative to succinctly describe their experience and goals.

High quality executive outplacement support is far from common. Many organizations mistakenly assume that senior executives with marketable skills will quickly land a new role.

Finding the right next opportunity grows even more challenging for those considering retirement or making a pivot toward consulting, fractional work or an “encore” chapter focused on board service or non-profit work.

The result is that many begin career transition with optimism and energy, only to find few opportunities moving beyond the initial interview.

Reduce Friction with Immediate Access to Services

Offering outplacement benefits immediately (rather than after agreements are signed or when the rescission period ends) is also key to helping senior leaders move forward with confidence and dignity.

Companies that actively support VP and C-Suite executives during separation can significantly improve cooperation during the transition process.

This begins by positioning career transition services as an incentive and enabler rather than as a bargaining chip. A demonstration of “good faith” by the organization helps the executive focus on what’s next. It reduces unnecessary pressure and friction during an already stressful time.

Award Outplacement Benefits to Executives in These Circumstances

Access to outplacement is particularly important:

  • With departing (or retiring) C-Suite and VP-level executives
  • For long-tenured individuals who lack recent job search experience or connections
  • When separation is a surprise for the individual
  • If the notification is done early, leaving weeks or months of employment before a final separation date
  • For staff expected to provide training, knowledge transfer, or support to others prior to exit

In these instances, outplacement services can:

  • Lessen the impact of departure
  • Remove unproductive emotions from transition
  • Create an environment that fosters communication and cooperation
  • Promote positive word-of-mouth and brand reputation in the market
  • Make it easier for the individual and the organization to move forward

Separations at the top can be di­fficult, emotional and highly visible. However, treating departing leaders with respect, authenticity, and support makes a di­fference. Offering executive outplacement services to displaced leaders is key to bringing this vision to life.

Learn more about what differentiates Navigate Forward’s career services, then schedule a conversation to discuss your needs.

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