Karen Grabow
Executive Consultant
Karen’s most recent role was Senior Vice President of Business Development Services at Land O’Lakes, Inc. Previous roles include CHRO at Land O’Lakes, VP of Human Resources at Target, and VP of Organizational Effectiveness at Personnel Decisions International (PDI). Today Karen works with executives in transition to help them chart new directions.
Karen Grabow has more than thirty years of experience in organization effectiveness consulting, executive coaching and leadership development. She is known for helping executives think through changes at work and home. Karen coaches executives to envision alternative routes, evaluate alternatives and pursue new directions. Friends describe her as insightful, practical and action-oriented.
In addition to consulting work for Navigate Forward, Karen serves on boards for the Northside Achievement Zone, Fairview Health Systems, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, and Minnesota Professionals for Psychology Applied to Work.
As a licensed psychologist, Karen holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Minnesota.
Theater, art, music and walking the Minneapolis lakes occupy some of Karen’s free time. She also loves spending time with her family. Karen enjoyed every minute of her varied career and equally enjoys sharing her wisdom to help others find their rewarding next chapters.
Articles by Karen
Fairview’s Karen Grabow on Landing and Contributing in a Board Role
Twin Cities Business honored Grabow as an Outstanding Director for her nine years on the Fairview Health Services board. She shared why board service is rewarding and what makes a good director.