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Clients and Alumni Attend Our First Summer Happy Hour

Join Us At Future In-Person Networking Events
Attendees at happy hour

On June 23, we officially kicked off the summer season with a fun and productive Navigate Forward gathering at Royal Craft Foundry in downtown Minneapolis. We’re thrilled to see an easing of COVID-19 concerns and to be able once again to welcome our valued executive community to in-person networking opportunities and programs!

A great mix of both alumni and current clients of our Executive Transition Services and Board Readiness programs attended, as well as CEO Anne Sample, members of our leadership team and several executive consultants.

Mike Sullivan, Anne Sample and Mike MeyersCEO Anne Sample raises a glass with executives Mike Sullivan and Mike Meyer, part of the Navigate Forward community.

Personal Introductions and Valuable Connections

“A strong professional network is vital for senior leaders—more than 80 percent of the executives we work with find their next role through making the right connections,” said Sample.

She added, “We had a great blend of individuals attend, and because of the small size, our team made personal introductions so everyone was able to meet some helpful resources.”

Sharing Our Success with the Community

We also extended our commitment to giving back with a “Charity of Choice” contribution on behalf of one attendee. A random drawing selected alumni Valbona Bushi who recommended Missions Inc. Programs. This deserving non-profit will receive a $100 donation from Navigate Forward.

Sign for Navigate Forward networking event

Want to attend a future executive networking event? Contact us and make sure we have your current contact information. Watch for email invitations and posts in our private executive LinkedIn group with dates for upcoming events.

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