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7 Ways Retired Execs Can Find Purpose After the C-Suite

Anne Sample Shares How Thoughtful Planning Leads to a Fulfilling and Balanced Next Chapter
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Concerned about what comes next? If you’re an executive in your 60s and feeling stuck, you’re certainly not alone.

“Retirement” no longer fits a traditional picture. With longer lifespans and more active lifestyles, fewer executives crave a complete 180 from full-time work to full-time leisure.

An ideal next step combines a senior leader’s personal passions with your leadership skills and experience, at a pace that fits your desire for work-life balance. Options are numerous, including corporate board service, support of non-profits, mentoring young professionals—even making sure you spend downtime purposely.

In this Fast Company article, our own Anne Sample shows how thoughtful Legacy Planning can lead to a fulfilling and balanced next chapter.

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