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Charitable Contributions Recognize Client Wins

Navigate Forward Awards Nearly $9,000 in Charity of Choice Non-Profit Donations in Q3 2022

Each quarter, Navigate Forward makes “Charity of Choice” contributions to recognize the senior leaders in our community who land new roles, begin board service, embark on their legacy chapters or share their expertise with us. It’s a longstanding tradition that helps us strengthen our communities and give back to those around us.

Community engagement is one of our core priorities. We’re pleased to put a portion of our profits into practice.

In the third quarter, we donated nearly $9,000 to more than 30 deserving non-profits. Every donation represents a client, alumni or speaker. Each individual nominates a non-profit of their choice for Navigate Forward to make a donation in their honor.

Bronze Sponsor of American Cancer Society

Our Q3 philanthropy also includes generous support of the American Cancer Society and their CEOs Against Cancer initiative. Navigate Forward is proud to be a bronze level sponsor of our region’s Champions of Hope gala on November 17, 2022.

CEOs Against Cancer unites a powerful group of executives, including our own CEO Anne Sample. All are demonstrating their commitment to saving lives. Together, they encourage prevention and provide support to employees and families affected by cancer.

On Track to Exceed Our 2022 Philanthropic Goal

All our monetary support of charitable causes, community organizations and non-profits helps us achieve our philanthropic goal as members of the Minnesota Keystone Alliance. For 2022, Navigate Forward has pledged to contribute at least 5 percent of our pre-tax earnings to non-profits.

“Community engagement is one of our core priorities. We’re pleased to put a portion of our profits into practice,” said Sample.

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