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2022 Corporate Giving Kicks Off With Two New Alliances

Navigate Forward Pledges 5% of Pre-Tax Earnings to Non-Profit Causes

In 2021, Navigate Forward donated more than $40,000 to 134 non-profits. For 2022, we’re continuing our tradition of supporting worthy causes with two new alliances and our ongoing “Charity of Choice” initiative.

Proud to Join Keystone Corporate Giving Program

In our home state, we’re proud to be new members of the Minnesota Keystone Program. For nearly 50 years, this group has recognized Minnesota businesses that donate at least two percent of their pre-tax earnings to charitable organizations.

Minnesota Keystone Program logoFounding members include Carlson Companies, Graco, RBC Wealth Management, Star Tribune, Target and Wells Fargo. Today’s roster includes more than 200 businesses.

Navigate Forward plans to donate at least five percent of our pre-tax earnings for 2022. During the first quarter, we’ve already supported more than two dozen non-profits.

“Being part of the Minnesota Keystone Program helps us raise awareness and encourage other companies to make corporate philanthropy a priority,” said Anne Sample, CEO of Navigate Forward. “We’re proud to be among so many respected national businesses.”

Top Employers Unite to Fight Cancer

In addition to monetary contributions, Navigate Forward’s executive team also share their talents and time with various organizations. CEO Anne Sample is now part of the American Cancer Society’s “CEOs Against Cancer” initiative.

CEOs Against Cancer logoCEOs Against Cancer unites a powerful group of executives, all committed to saving lives. Together, they encourage prevention and provide support to employees and families affected by cancer.

They also help the American Cancer Society foster innovative research and rally communities, lawmakers and others to share their mission. More than 500 CEOs are current members.

Clients Direct Our Charitable Giving Around the Country

One unique element of Navigate Forward’s corporate giving is the direct involvement of our clients, alumni, speakers and supporters.

Every week, these individuals recommend deserving non-profits for our support:

  • When a senior leader lands a new position, we honor them with a contribution to their charity of choice.
  • We make a similar donation on behalf of each speaker at our weekly executive forums.
  • When we host virtual or in-person events, our attendees nominate deserving non-profits for additional donations.

While we’re headquartered in Minneapolis, this global network of senior executives enables us to make a far broader impact around the country.

“As our business continues to grow and life gives our clients new opportunities, we’re pleased to share our success and strengthen the lives of those around us,” said Sample.

She added, “Giving back is an integral part of our work and we’re pleased to put a portion of our profits into practice.”

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